Good evening players. Arrived on the second day for the PVP test. Thanks for those who participated last time on Discord voice. In order to motivate to complete the PVP tests as soon as possible - after completing the PVP adjustment, let's put CM rates +10% (weapons, sets and wings) on the server (because from what I hear - CM Goblin has remained quite stingy for the fall ;) ). See you on discord voice at 20:00. Thank you.
Labvakar spēlētāji. Pienākusi otrā dienā PVP testam. Paldies par tiem kas piedalījās pagājušo reizi Discord voice. Lai motivētu pēc iespējas ātrāk pabeigt PVP testus - noslēdzot PVP saregulēšanu, liksim serverī CM reitus +10% (ieroči, seti un wingi) (jo cik dzirdu - CM Goblin ir uz rudeni diezgan skops palicis 😉 ). Tiekamies discord voice 20:00. Paldies.